congress Tim Walberg

congress Tim Walberg Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Tim Walberg, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

NameTim Walberg
Office Room2266 RHOB
Phone number(202) 225-6276
emailEmail Form
Contact Representative Tim Walberg
Tim Walberg believes in the Michigan values of hard work, entrepreneurship, compassion, and creating opportunities for each person to use their God-given gifts to care for their families, reach for their dreams, and help their community.

congress Tim Walberg

On This Page

Tim Walberg believes in the Michigan values of hard work, entrepreneurship, compassion, and creating opportunities for each person to use their God-given gifts to care for their families, reach for their dreams, and help their community. As an elected official, community foundation leader, manager in higher education, and pastor, Tim has demonstrated a consistent commitment to advancing opportunities for individuals to succeed and doing his part in elected office to help make America a pillar of freedom and hope in the world.

Tim knows what it is like to struggle, live on a meager income, and not have health insurance. Born on Chicago’s south side, Tim could not afford health insurance for his family when he began his career, so they went without. This trying experience for his family gives Tim additional perspective to promote policy ideas that will make health care more patient-centered and affordable.

To help pay his way through college, Tim worked as a union steel mill worker. He attended Western Illinois University, Moody Bible Institute, Taylor University and Wheaton College Graduate School, earning his B.S. and M.A. degrees.

Congressman Walberg’s focus in the U.S. House of Representatives is encouraging job creation and economic growth, fiscal responsibility, affordable health care, and defending our values. He believes less power in Washington DC and more power in the hands of individuals, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and local communities will build a healthy economy and stronger Michigan.

Tim has held hundreds of town hall meetings because he understands that listening to and learning from the citizens he has the privilege to represent is crucial to finding solutions to the challenges facing our country and local communities. Tim is a strong advocate for the 7th District’s hardworking taxpayers, seeking nonpartisan solutions, including having a common sense bipartisan bill to increase efficiency within the federal government signed into law by the president.

Tim’s previous work includes service as a pastor for nearly 10 years. He was elected to the Michigan House of Representatives in 1983 and served until 1999. During his time in the State Legislature, Tim gained a reputation as a principled voice for less government spending, lower taxes, and fewer regulations, as well as a compassionate voice for the culture of life and traditional values. Following his 16 years in the Michigan House, he worked to create local community betterment programs throughout south-east Michigan as President of the Warren Reuther Center for Education and Community Impact. Tim has also served as a division manager for the Moody Bible Institute, before retiring in January of 2006.

Tim is an avid sportsman and enjoys hunting, fishing, and camping. He is a member of Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, and the NRA. Tim also enjoys riding his Harley or anything with two wheels.

Of all of Tim’s accomplishments, he is most proud of his family. Tim and his wife Sue have been married for over 46 years. They live in Tipton where they raised their three now-adult children Matthew, Heidi, and Caleb. Matthew and his wife Erin, and Heidi and her husband Prince have blessed Tim and Sue with their pride and joy, their five grandchildren.

Protecting our National Security

Michigan families deserve to feel safe in their own homes and neighborhoods. Tim Walberg has consistently voted to support our nation’s military and their families, give our troops a pay raise, and provide our men and women in uniform with the resources they need to perform their missions and defend our way of life. Tim supports a serious and robust strategy to crush radical Islamic terrorists, stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons to anti-American regimes, combat cybersecurity threats and protect our homeland from missile threats. Tim supported the policies which have largely dismantled ISIS, including the elimination of ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.

When our brave servicemembers return home, Tim Walberg is committed to ensuring they have access to high quality and timely medical care, including mental health and suicide prevention services. Tim voted to expand veterans’ educational opportunities and assistance with college affordability. He has voted to increase cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) for veterans benefits. He has also hosted numerous resource fairs for veterans around the district and his staff is helpful to cut through bureaucratic red tape so veterans can receive the benefits they deserve. Tim is also working in a bipartisan way to increase accountability at the VA and give our veterans more health care choices.

Fixing the Biden Crises

From nearly the moment Joe Biden took the Oath of Office, he has enacted policies that harm everyday people financially, risk our national security, and often put America last.

From the inflation reverberating throughout the economy to the price at the gas pump to America’s strategic interests on the national stage, it is time to set a new course and implement policy solutions.

While President Biden has taken the country down the wrong path, Tim has been fighting in Congress to correct blunders and protect constitutional rights. As a member of the influential Energy & Commerce Committee, Tim has been a leading figure in crafting legislation to protect America’s energy interests and regain our energy independence. He’s also championed legislation to reduce inflation and encourage the government to live within its means.

Border security remains a top priority for Tim as he has cosponsored the Finish the Wall Act and Border Security for America, which secures our border and will help slow the ever-increasing fentanyl which pours across our border daily.

Tim has also successfully authored an amendment signed into law to provide accountability for the debacle in Afghanistan, which has then bolstered adversaries like Russia, Iran, and China.

Respecting the Constitution, unleashing American energy independence, fiscal responsibility, and peace through strength are all proven policies. As a proven leader, Tim knows how to get the job done and fix the many crises created by bad governance.

Building a Healthy Economy

Job creation, higher incomes and expanding opportunities by growing Michigan’s economy is the top priority for Tim Walberg, who was named Michigan’s most effective congressman for the last Congress by the nonpartisan Center for Effective Lawmaking. Tim has advanced policies that built a healthy economy and created a brighter future for the next generation. While the global pandemic has presented setbacks, Tim’s pro-jobs record will help lead this economic comeback.

Before COVID-19 halted our economic growth, we were experiencing an economic boom featuring the highest median household income ever recorded. Our unemployment sunk to a 50-year low. We created a regulatory environment which allowed small businesses on Main Streets across America to flourish. More Americans were working than ever before, and the lowest-wage earners saw their pay growth outpace high-wage earners by the greatest margin in decades.

We need leaders with a vision to spearhead our economic recovery and take us to greater prosperity than we were experiencing before the outbreak. We need policy that encourages job creation, higher incomes and expanding opportunities.

Tim Walberg’s plan to encourage job creation and boost wages:

  • Tim has supported tax reform efforts resulting in tax cuts for over 82% of middle class families across America. Reform brought corporate tax rates to a competitive global level and spurred hundreds of billions in domestic investments.

  • Enhance Skilled Trades Training- Tim is focused on improving education and workforce training opportunities by empowering local institutions and states. Tim voted for:

    • The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, which supports Michigan - career and technical training programs and helps states reduce burdensome occupational licensing regulations.

    • The Every Student Succeeds Act, which transfers power and resources from Washington DC education bureaucrats to local schools and states, because teachers, administrators, and local school boards know best how to educate students. These bipartisan reforms have been signed into law.

    • The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, which would improve workforce training by giving more power and input to local educational and training institutions, including community colleges, overwhelmingly passed the House and was signed into law.

Michigan is blessed with many fine institutions of higher learning. Tim is committed to working with these schools as they provide a tremendous education and help students afford the opportunity. He introduced the “Helping Families Save for Education Act” with a Democratic colleague to help families save money for educational expenses. He also helped author language to simplify the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), helping students and families navigate the process.

Improve Infrastructure- Tim Walberg is working to improve our infrastructure and rebuild Michigan’s roads and bridges. He helped champion a long-term, bipartisan transportation plan to provide greater resources and decision-making authority to state and local governments—without raising taxes. This long-term plan, now signed into law, will help streamline and bring certainty to important road and bridge projects across our state. He also voted in favor of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act, which focuses on protecting our water supply, shorelines, and environment. The legislation also streamlines the approval process, requires more accountability, and encourages public-private partnerships to leverage taxpayer resources to complete more water resources projects.

Tim will continue to support the expansion of broadband access to rural areas in America. An ever-increasing amount of daily life from shopping to education to work, is conducted digitally. He has supported efforts to better identify and improve access in underserved areas.

Reduce the Regulatory Burden- Tim understands onerous regulations discourage hard work, investment, and job creation. He voted for legislation to prevent Washington DC bureaucrats from creating costly, job destroying regulations without receiving approval from the American peoples’ elected representatives, and Tim had a common sense bipartisan bill to increase efficiency within the federal government signed into law. Tim’s bipartisan legislation to increase government transparency regarding regulations passed the House.

Make Healthcare More Affordable- Tim has introduced legislation to allow small businesses to join together to purchase more affordable healthcare insurance. Tim supports lowering prescription drug prices and patient-centered reforms such as ending lawsuit abuse, allowing the purchase of insurance across state lines, expanding the use and flexibility of health savings accounts, reducing fraud, and giving individuals the same tax treatment as corporations when purchasing health insurance. He will continue working to make healthcare more affordable.

Expand American Energy Production- Tim is working to increase American energy production to create jobs, lower prices, and move our nation toward energy independence. He has voted to expand natural gas and oil exploration; improve pipeline safety; speed up the permitting process; and promote clean coal, nuclear, and renewable sources.

Open Global Markets- By meeting regularly with Michigan farmers and manufacturers, Tim Walberg recognizes 7th District citizens produce many quality goods to sell in the global marketplace. Tim supported the United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA), which will level the playing field for Michigan farmers and manufacturers. In a bipartisan manner, Tim works to open global markets to our Michigan-made goods, which supports and creates jobs here. He favors trade that is fair, and free. If an agreement is not free and fair for Michigan workers and manufacturers, Tim will not support it.

Fiscal Responsibility

Tim Walberg understands the $26 trillion and climbing national debt threatens the future of our country and causes a significant portion of our federal budget to be used for simply paying interest on this debt. Tim has voted for a Balanced Budget Amendment to force the federal government to live within its means, and he voted for fiscally responsible budgets that dramatically reduce the deficit and place our government on a path to long-term balance. Tim’s Taxpayers Right-To-Know Act passed the House, and would provide an online inventory containing program description and expenses by various agencies, increasing transparency and allowing easier identification of waste. Additionally, he voted repeatedly to reduce spending, including introducing and passing a bipartisan amendment on the House floor, with the help of Democrat colleagues, to cut spending to a wasteful Afghanistan Rebuilding Fund.

With unforeseen and unprecedented circumstances, Congress and President Trump passed through emergency bills, which provided desperately-needed relief to Americans, but has further highlighted the need for Congress to pass budgets in a fiscally responsible manner moving forward.

Tim Walberg is dedicated to preserving and strengthening Social Security and Medicare. He introduced a lockbox bill, to preventing the raid of these funds citizens paid into and expect during their retirement years.

Affordable and Quality Health Care

Prescription drug prices are too high and Americans have been unfairly burdened by subsidizing the research and development of pharmaceuticals worldwide. It is past time for Congress to step in and support the American people. Tim cosponsored the Lower Costs, More Cures Act, which would lower out of pocket spending, increase transparency in pricing, while protecting innovation and hope for those suffering from an illness that is currently incurable. Every provision in the Lower Costs, More Cures Act has bipartisan support, and the legislation would cap Part D recipients’ out of pocket costs, lower insulin costs, boost the availability of generics, and ends “pay for delay” tactics used to subvert the market and artificially increase the cost of drugs. The legislation also appoints a trade representative to ensure Americans are not unjustly saddled with the burden of paying for research and development, but rather the burden is shared globally. Tim will continue to advocate for bipartisan, commonsense solutions like the Lowers Costs, More Cures Act.

Research and innovation are crucial to improving health care quality and finding ways to heal our loved ones. Tim Walberg voted for the 21st Century Cures Act to encourage medical research and speed up the development of life-saving cures and treatments for diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and cancer. He also voted for bipartisan legislation to overhaul our nation’s broken mental health care system to help those suffering from mental health issues get the care they need. As we experience the impacts of prolonged social isolation, Tim is committed to efforts to improve mental health.

As a member of the Bipartisan Heroin Task Force, Tim Walberg has been actively collaborating with state and local leaders to develop best practices and tackle the alarming heroin and opioid epidemic that hits close to home in our communities. He voted for the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) to enhance prevention, treatment, and recovery programs and provide hope for those struggling with addiction. This comprehensive response overwhelmingly passed the House and was signed into law. Along with a Democratic colleague, Tim also introduced “Jessie’s Law”, named after a Michigan resident who tragically died of an opioid overdose. “Jessie’s Law” was signed by President Trump into law in December 2018 and it provides doctors and medical professionals with access to information they need so they can make informed decisions and safely treat their patients. While both opioid and heroin overdoses are beginning to decrease across America, Tim has supported legislation to crack down on synthetic opioids and other fentanyl-analogues as their usage rates are spiking.

Tim Walberg voted to let people keep their health coverage if they liked it, and has repeatedly voted to protect people with pre-existing conditions. Tim has also helped lead congressional efforts to end the practice of surprise medical billing.

Tim is pushing for policies to make health care more affordable, including ending lawsuit abuse, allowing small businesses to join together to purchase health insurance at a more affordable price, letting people purchase health insurance across state lines, expanding the flexibility to health savings accounts, reducing fraud, and giving individuals the same tax treatment as corporations when they purchase health insurance. Additionally, Tim voted to repeal the medical device tax, which is costing Michigan medical manufacturing jobs and increasing the costs for life-saving medications and devices.

Defending Our Values

Tim Walberg will defend the values that serve as the backbone of our country. He voted repeatedly to support our veterans and military, because they and their families have sacrificed so much to keep us safe and free. Tim will preserve the promise of Social Security and Medicare. Tim will defend religious institutions and individuals with deeply held beliefs, so government will not force them to violate their conscience. He believes wholeheartedly in the sanctity of life, the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman, and that government should be colorblind in order to truly be just. Tim’s legislation to identify, locate and recover victims of human trafficking was incorporated into the Missing Children’s Assistance Reauthorization and signed into law. As a lifelong outdoors-man, Tim is a staunch defender of our right to keep and bear arms, and he works to preserve and restore our Great Lakes to their natural splendor. The Constitution and Declaration of Independence are his fundamental guides for our great republic.
