congress Greg Landsman

congress Greg Landsman Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Greg Landsman, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

NameGreg Landsman
Office Room1432 Longworth House Office Building
Phone number(202) 225-2216
emailEmail Form
Contact Representative Greg Landsman
Representative Greg Landsman is a father and husband who is proud to call Southwest Ohio home.

congress Greg Landsman

On This Page

Representative Greg Landsman is a father and husband who is proud to call Southwest Ohio home.

Before joining the U.S. House of Representatives in 2023, Greg served on the Cincinnati City Council for five years where he led investments in public safety and core services. Greg also led the effort to establish the City of Cincinnati’s first-ever Office of Ethics and Good Government as well as the Balanced Development Scorecard to increase trust in local government and transparency in the development process.

Greg has spent his entire career advocating for children and families, especially those most marginalized. Prior to his time in elected office, Greg was a public school teacher and worked in education advocacy as the Executive Director of the Strive Partnership.

Greg also served as the Director of Faith-based and Community Initiatives under former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland. There, he led Ohio’s efforts to help local churches and synagogues provide education and food programs in their communities.

A pragmatic leader, Greg has a long history of working with broad, bipartisan coalitions to get good, meaningful things done. In 2016, Greg led a successful ballot measure to pass the Cincinnati Preschool Promise, a program which provides two years of quality preschool education for every three- and four-year-old in Cincinnati. In 2018, he built a coalition of Democrats, Republicans, labor organizations, business leaders, and community members to pass the largest investment in transportation and infrastructure in Hamilton County’s history.

Greg earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Political Science from Ohio University and a master’s degree in Theology from Harvard University.

Greg and his wife, Sarah, live in Cincinnati with their two children, Maddie and Elijah.

  • Committees & Caucuses In Congress, Representative Greg Landsman serves on the House Committee on Small Business and the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. On the Small Business Committee, Greg is Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access and a Member of the Subcommittee on Rural Development, Energy, and Supply Chains. On the Veterans’ Affair Committee, Greg is a Member of the Subcommittee on Health and the Subcommittee on Technology Modernization.

In addition to Committees, Greg is a Member of the New Democrat Coalition, the Congressional Labor Caucus, and the Congressional Equality Caucus.

About Greg Landsman

A former public school teacher, Greg Landsman is a staunch advocate for Southwest Ohio families. Greg has spent his career fighting for working families, having successfully led the Preschool Promise which now provides two years of quality preschool for Cincinnati’s three and four year olds. In his fifth year as a Cincinnati Councilman, he is now running for Congress to make government work for us by lowering costs, repairing our roads and bridges, and making it easier to raise a family.

Born and raised in Greater Cincinnati, Greg attended public schools before going to Ohio University to study Economics and Political Science. After college, Greg worked as a public high school teacher. In the aftermath of 9/11, Greg was inspired to study faith and religion. He earned a Master’s Degree in Theology from Harvard and later went on to serve as Governor Strickland’s Director of Faith Based and Community Initiatives, where he led Ohio’s efforts to help churches and synagogues provide education and food programs.

After working for Governor Strickland, Greg helped run Cincinnati’s nationally-renowned National Underground Railroad Freedom Center before working in education advocacy as Executive Director of the StrivePartnership.

In 2017, Greg was elected to Cincinnati City Council. On City Council, Greg has proven to be a strong voice for children and families across the region on issues of housing, jobs, environmental issues, and public safety. Greg helped shepherd the largest investment in repairing roads and bridges ever in Hamilton County. Greg believes that our elected officials must work for us, not wealthy donors or party bosses. That’s why he established Cincinnati City Hall’s first ever Office of Ethics and Good Government and the Balanced Development Scorecard - to support ethics compliance, hold officials accountable and increase transparency. Greg knows that Washington needs fewer people who create chaos, and more leaders who know how to get real results.

Greg and his wife, Sarah, live in Mt. Washington with their two children, Maddie and Elijah.

Lowering Costs for Families

As a father of two children, Greg understands the toll rising costs are taking on families at the gas pump and the grocery store. Inflation and price gouging are taking money straight out of the pockets of working families.

It’s time to lower costs and raise wages. Congress must provide much-needed relief for hard working families. With the price of groceries and gas continuing to spiral, Greg broke from his party and called for the suspension of the state and federal gas taxes, as well as lowering the costs of prescription drugs. And while big corporations continue to rake in record profits, Greg will work to hold them accountable for price gouging. Greg will never back down from the fight to deliver relief to our families.

Jobs & the Economy

Every family deserves access to good-paying jobs and benefits. Greg supports the bipartisan COMPETES Act that works to bring the supply-chain back home. This will create high-quality jobs and is critical to ensuring our nation’s self-sufficiency in times of crisis.

It is essential that the rights of workers to organize for better wages and benefits are protected and expanded. From the teacher strikes of the last few years to the organizing efforts at Starbucks and in workplaces across the country, it is vital that we protect the rights of workers. Greg supports strengthening these protections, including making it harder for employers to bust unions before they have a chance to organize and updating our labor laws to reflect the realities of the 21st century workplace. In addition, Greg will fight to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour and expand access to high-quality and affordable childcare.

On City Council, Greg successfully fought for wage increases and hazard pay for first responders. He also helped lead the effort for the first Project Labor Agreement in city history, creating hundreds of good paying jobs on city projects. A full economic recovery requires all of us, especially those workers and minority business owners who have been marginalized. Greg will always fight for the rights of workers in Congress.

Reproductive Health & Rights

Greg will never back down in the fight for the rights of everyone to make their own medical decisions. In Ohio and in D.C., legislators are working to strip away basic rights for women; even putting women in jail for their personal healthcare decisions. Greg believes that it is not the place of the government to dictate the decisions that Americans make about their own bodies. Politicians don’t belong in decisions made between a woman and her doctor.

Now that the Supreme court has overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade case, Republicans in Ohio and across the country are pushing to ban abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest. They want to criminalize women and the doctors who care for them. Greg will oppose any efforts to undermine the privacy between a woman and her doctor, and he supports the codification of the rights afforded by Roe v. Wade on the federal level.

Greg’s steadfast support for children and families extends to prenatal care. It is essential to keep mothers as healthy as possible. Greg will work to address the racial discrepancies in maternal mortality to ensure that every child born in OH-01 has the support needed to thrive.


As a former public school teacher, Greg understands not only the importance of education, but the challenges that teachers, students, and schools face. Teachers lack the resources and support that they need, especially as the country emerges from the pandemic.

In 2016, Greg spearheaded the Cincinnati Preschool Promise campaign, building a coalition of educators, advocates, labor leaders, and business executives to expand access to two years of quality preschool to thousands of three and four year olds in Cincinnati. Early childhood education is key to childhood development, and this movement was crucial to improve school-readiness in Cincinnati.

In Congress, Greg will continue to fight for more equitable access to education. Our K-12 students deserve excellent schooling, and Greg will always support investing in our children. Greg believes college should be accessible to everyone, and in Congress, will vote to lessen the burden on students and their parents. From childcare to college or trade school, access to quality education is essential for every child to live up to their greatest potential.


Whether it be crossing the Western Hills Viaduct on the way to work or heading over the Brent Spence Bridge, infrastructure makes a huge difference in the connectivity of the region. Roads and bridges across the United States are crumbling, and nowhere is it more visible than here at home. For too long, Washington refused to act, and that’s why Greg helped shepherd the largest investment in repairing roads and bridges ever in Hamilton County, including finally securing the funding to repair the Western Hills Viaduct.

Greater Cincinnati is living in crisis as hundreds of thousands of people drive across the crumbling Brent Spence Bridge every day. Replacing this bridge is long overdue. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill leverages private sector investment to save all of us time and money in car damages, gas fill-ups, shorter commutes, and disaster prevention. This investment will not only improve traffic and infrastructure, but will bring more good paying jobs to the region.

In Congress, Greg will support continued investments in projects to improve crumbling roads and bridges as well as the expansion of digital infrastructure to ensure access to broadband for everyone.

Public Safety

Throughout his career, Greg has been a strong advocate for public safety and keeping our communities safe. On Council, Greg has always fought for additional resources for the city’s police and fire departments. Greg successfully restored overtime pay for local police officers and rallied his colleagues to fund a second police recruit class for the first time in nearly 20 years, ensuring the department is fully staffed and our neighborhoods are safe.

Greg has spent his time on Council strengthening the relationship between our communities and public safety officers. Greg re-launched the Safe and Clean Fund, which empowers local communities to install street lights, cameras, and other violence prevention efforts. He fully funded the Citizen’s Complaint Authority, helping to build trust between the police and the communities they serve. Greg has spent his career building big coalitions to tackle big problems. He’ll work with anyone to improve public safety for the neighborhoods and families here at home. Greg is ready to take the fight for safety to Congress.

Gun Safety

The gun violence epidemic in this country is out of control. Parents shouldn’t have to worry if their kids will make it off the school bus in the afternoon. Families should feel safe going to their grocery store, their house of worship, their movie theater, and in their neighborhoods. Violent acts committed with assault rifles have prevented that.

Greg has been named a Gun Sense candidate by Moms Demand Action, and will lead the fight for common sense gun reform in Congress. Greg supports requiring universal background checks on all gun sales and banning the sale of weapons of war like assault weapons. When he is in Congress, Greg will be an advocate to end the influence of the gun lobby in our government.

Voting Rights

Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy. Protecting the rights of voters is critical, especially as politicians try to toss out votes and overturn elections if they don’t like the outcome. On Council, Greg made sure voter registration forms were available in every City building. In Congress, Greg will unequivocally support the right to vote and other voter protections. Greg supports the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act in order to restore and strengthen the original landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965. He also supports expanding voter registration and voting access, outlawing voter purges, increasing our election security, strengthening our ethics requirements, and establishing independent redistricting nationwide. The right to vote is a foundation of our democracy, and it is critical that Congress protect it.

As we saw on January 6, too many in Congress are willing to throw out our legally-cast votes to rig the game for themselves. Greg will fight to protect the rights that so many spent decades fighting to gain. The issues of protecting our right to vote are fundamental to protect our democracy.


Nobody should go broke visiting the doctor, the hospital, or paying for a prescription drug. Greg is committed to bringing down the cost of healthcare. Your health and quality of care shouldn’t be determined by your income or zip code.

In Congress, Greg will push for lower healthcare premiums and work to eliminate surprise billing. He will support bipartisan legislation that holds Big Pharma accountable and lowers the price of prescription drugs. Greg strongly supports allowing Medicaid to negotiate for lower prices, which would dramatically ease the financial burden on families in the district.


We owe veterans not only our gratitude, but also the benefits they’ve earned. It is inexcusable that those who have stepped up to serve this country do not have adequate access to healthcare for their physical and mental health. In Congress, Greg will fight to make sure veterans suffering from toxic exposures in Iraq and Afghanistan get the support and medical attention they deserve.


Greg is committed to making sure the world we pass down to his children and ours is one that is sustainable, safe, and equitable. On City Council, Greg pushed to strengthen the Green Cincinnati Plan, a historic environmental justice ordinance that placed Cincinnati at the forefront of the environmental policy movement. He also supported the largest municipally-led solar project in America.

Greg is very proud to be endorsed by the League of Conservation Voters. In Congress, he’ll fight to protect access to clean air & water and hold polluters accountable for damages that disproportionately impact our already marginalized communities. Our future and the future of our children depends on it.


Every person has the right to feel safe at work, school, and at home. Recent attacks here on the rights of trans youth to get the care they need and to be supported in their communities are government-sanctioned bullying by our state legislature. In Congress, Greg will work to make sure everyone has the resources they need to survive. He will proudly support the Equality Act to ensure that no one can be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. In the wake of attacks from the Supreme Court and others, Greg also supports codifying the marriage equality into federal law.

Foreign Policy

The relationship between the United States and Israel is not only a critical geopolitical alliance for both states, it is one that has been forged in shared values and has endured for nearly 75 years. As global political realities change, this relationship will prove to be only more critical to sustained peace and prosperity for both nations.

As a member of Congress, Greg will advocate for Israel’s right to self-determination and work to build bridges between the U.S., Israel, and others in the region to achieve a sustainable peace in the region. Greg also supports the efforts started by the Trump administration’s Abraham Accords and continued by the Biden administration to normalize relations between Israel and her neighbors.

Russia’s unprovoked invasion of a free and democratic Ukraine is horrific and a threat to democracy around the world. Our leaders must come together to defend democracy and stop Putin’s authoritarianism. Those who make excuses for Putin are undermining democracy at home and abroad. Greg supports efforts to deliver urgently needed military and humanitarian aid to the people of Ukraine as they fight off authoritarianism.
