senator Mary Franson

Representative Mary Franson Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Mary Franson, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

NameMary Franson
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Contact Representative Mary Franson
Born on March 1, 1977, in Saginaw, Minnesota, Mary Franson is a notable politician and member of the Minnesota House of Representatives. She represents District 12B, which includes portions of Douglas, Stearns, and Pope counties in the west central part of the state.

Representative Mary Franson

Born on March 1, 1977, in Saginaw, Minnesota, Mary Franson is a notable politician and member of the Minnesota House of Representatives. She represents District 12B, which includes portions of Douglas, Stearns, and Pope counties in the west central part of the state.

Franson graduated from AlBrook High School in Saginaw and later attended the University of Minnesota Duluth, where she earned a B.A. in psychology and humanities.

Before her political career, Franson was a licensed child care provider and a former employee of AT&T. She also owned a business called Merry Little Lambs and worked as a reality facilitator with Hay Dobbs.

Franson’s political career began when she was first elected to the House in 2010, succeeding Rep. Mary Ellen Otremba, who did not seek re-election. In the 2012 election, Franson ended the night with a one-vote margin of victory, triggering an automatic recount under Minnesota law. After a series of recounts and legal proceedings, Franson maintained her seat with a 12-vote lead.

As of 2023, Franson has won seven straight terms to the Minnesota House. During her legislative career, she has served on several committees, including Health and Human Services Finance, Early Childhood Finance and Policy, Higher Education Finance & Policy, Health & Human Services Reform, Aging & Long-Term Care Policy, and was the chair for the Subcommittee on Childcare Access & Affordability.

Franson has been a vocal advocate on several issues. In 2017, she authored a bill to ban any funds from all state-funded healthcare programs from being used for abortions. As a former child-care provider, Franson has authored multiple bills on child-care-related issues. She was a vocal opponent of an executive order issued by then-Governor Mark Dayton allowing for the unionization of child-care providers.

Franson continues to serve her constituents and make a difference in the Minnesota House of Representatives.
