
Your Minimum Payment: -

Please enter a value between 125 and 5000

With a Minimum Payment:

It will take you 0 months to be rid of your debt.

In that time, you will pay:


in interest.

With a Fixed Payment:

It will take you 0 months to be rid of your debt.

In that time, you will pay:


in interest.

Welcome to our Credit Card Calculator. This tool will help you understand your credit card payments and how they affect your financial situation. You can use it to plan your debt repayment strategy and achieve your financial goals.

User inputs:

  • What is Your Credit Card Balance?
  • What is The Interest Rate on Your Credit Card?
  • How is Your Minimum Payment Calculated?
  • Select a Payment Schedule Based on: Minimum payment, Fixed payment
  • What Fixed Payment Could You Make Monthly?


  • With a Minimum Payment:
  • In that time, you will pay:
  • With a Fixed Payment:
  • In that time, you will pay: