congress Brian K. Fitzpatrick

congress Brian K. Fitzpatrick Contact information

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NameBrian K. Fitzpatrick
Office Room271 CHOB
Phone number(202) 225-4276
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Contact Representative Brian K. Fitzpatrick
Brian Kevin Fitzpatrick is an American politician who is a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives, serving as the representative for Pennsylvania's 1st congressional district since 2017.

congress Brian K. Fitzpatrick

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On his very first day in office, Brian put forth a bold government reform plan which challenged the career politicians in Washington: term limits for members of Congress, pass a budget or don’t get paid, and balance the budget.

He’s a nationally-recognized leader in the fight against the opioid crisis, authoring legislation signed into law which provides additional resources for our law enforcement to secure the border and stop the flow of deadly drugs into our communities.

He’s leading the fight to provide those suffering from debilitating terminal diseases a chance at life through access to potentially life-saving treatments.

Brian believes that every American deserves a fair shot at success. He will continue to make certain that our institutions serve us, not the career bureaucrats or politicians, and that all those who work hard can live a fulfilling life of dignity and opportunity.

He will continue to protect our families not only from the threat of international terrorism but also from the scourge of drug abuse.

Brian is uniquely qualified to reform our government and put the American Dream back on track.

For nearly a decade and a half, Brian served our country as an FBI Supervisory Special Agent where his focus was fighting political corruption and supporting global counterterrorism efforts.

As an FBI agent, Brian served our country in Operation Iraqi Freedom – the largest of several active fronts in the War on Terror.

Brian also served as the National Director for the FBI’s Campaign Finance and Election Crimes Enforcement Program, and as a national supervisor for the FBI’s Political Corruption Unit. Moreover, he has traveled the world to promote freedom and democracy, where he is recognized as an expert in restoring integrity to governmental institutions.

As a Special Assistant United States Attorney, Brian prosecuted violent drug and gun offenders to stem the tide of abuse and violence. He was also named “Investigator of the Year” by the Federal Law Enforcement Foundation.

A Levittown native and graduate of Bishop Egan High School, Brian is a graduate of LaSalle University, Penn State University and the Dickinson School of Law. He is both a licensed attorney and a licensed Certified Public Accountant in Pennsylvania.

Brian is an Eagle Scout and a certified Emergency Medical Technician in Pennsylvania. He lives in Middletown Township, Bucks County. Brian has lived in Bucks County for nearly 40 years.

Brian is a Member of the Levittown Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Knights of Columbus.


Our nation faces critical challenges. The key to rising to the challenges before us is to focus on priorities like keeping our families safe and putting the American Dream back on track.

In Congress, I am fighting to protect our families and communities from threats here and abroad. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I introduced the bipartisan Never Again International Outbreak Prevention Act to provide accountability with respect to international reporting and monitoring of outbreaks of novel viruses and diseases, sanction bad actors, and review the actions of the World Health Organization (WHO).

In response to the drug epidemic in our country, I authored the INTERDICT Act signed into law by the President, providing greater resources to law enforcement to stop the flow of deadly fentanyl from Mexico into communities such as our own. I have also supported $25 billion in securing the border through a physical barrier, aerial surveillance, and an enhanced human intelligence program. As a country that values the rule of law, I have voted for tougher penalties for repeat criminal illegal immigrants and illegal immigrants who are members of a criminal gang and voted to crackdown on sanctuary cities.

In Congress, I am also fighting for enhanced criminal penalties for stalkers of minors and an evaluation of Federal, State, and local efforts to enforce laws relating to stalking and identify elements of these enforcement efforts that constitute best practices. My Combat Online Predators Act, would ensure those who target our children receive the punishment they deserve.

Through my work on the Foreign Affairs Committee, I have advocated for standing up for American values and our allies abroad. I have supported tougher sanctions on Iran’s illegal ballistic missile program as well as standing up to Iranian aggression targeting Israel and all of our allies in the Middle East. I also have opposed the one-sided resolutions targeting our ally, Israel at the United Nations, as well as support efforts to achieve justice for American victims of Palestinian terrorism. As Co-Chair of the Congressional Ukraine Caucus, I have cosponsored numerous measures standing up to Russian aggression in Europe against our allies. Furthermore, I have supported tougher sanctions on North Korea to cut off the flow of money to this human rights violator and state sponsor of terrorism, and holding the Chinese Communist Party accountable for its role in the COVID-19 pandemic, aggressive territorial actions against its neighbors, and human rights abuses.


I believe that anyone who works hard and plays by the rules should be able to achieve their own American dream. My economic priorities are straightforward: support measures that put American workers and businesses back at the forefront of our economy to create family-sustaining careers and true wealth for our nation.

In Congress, I am fighting to provide an opportunity to all Americans. I have supported a simpler, fairer tax code. Across our communities, small businesses are already hiring more while their workers receive bonuses and higher take-home pay. We must do whatever we can to promote Made in America initiatives. American manufacturing means American jobs. People in my community understand that when they buy American they’re not only buying quality products, they’re helping American businesses – and American workers – in their neighborhoods and across the country. Moreover, a continuous review and the repeal of outdated federal regulations will ease the burden on local small businesses and their employees.

I have also worked in a bipartisan fashion to stand up for the American worker and American industry. By reforming unfair trade deals that put the American worker at a disadvantage, we put American workers first. By voting for the USMCA, we vastly improved the original NAFTA with enforceable labor standards while promoting American trade and exports. I will also defend American businesses from the predatory economic practices of foreign competitors and adversaries. That is why I strongly supported the reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank, which is pivotal to the creation and sustainability of U.S. jobs in manufacturing and promoting American exports.

This year, I voted for the CARES Act, Paycheck Protection Program, and Health Care Enhancement Act, and PPP Flexibility Act to provide relief for businesses and workers across the country from the COVID-19 pandemic, and introduced the bipartisan Never Again Small Business Protection Act, to provide small businesses access to business interruption insurance that will help keep them afloat during national emergencies.


As a former FBI Special Agent and Federal Prosecutor, spending my entire career arresting corrupt politicians, I’ve now made it my mission to take on a broken and dysfunctional Washington. On my very first day in office, I introduced a bold and sweeping government reform package to challenge the career politicians, impose term limits, and abolish congressional pensions for members of Congress. But we still have more work to do.

In Congress, we are fighting to reform a broken Washington. I led a successful effort to stop a pay increase for members of Congress, supported a Balanced-Budget Amendment to our Constitution to end the limitless borrowing from crippling future generations, and support ending the Federal government’s duplication of agencies and programs, a practice that costs our country billions of dollars. Also, by bolstering and empowering the Office of Inspectors General (OIGs) to aggressively investigate and prosecute all instances of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in federal agencies, we can save taxpayers billions annually.

I led by example with regards to No Budget, No Pay during the last government shutdown. Following through on my promise to return pay during the government shutdown, I wrote a $10,008.68 check to the United States Treasury –the net pay from the 35-day government shutdown. If over 800,000 federal employees and their families were forced to live without their paychecks due to no fault of their own, then no Member of Congress should accept a dime of pay during a government shutdown. If Members of Congress actually feel the pain of the people they represent, perhaps they would approach their jobs differently. I am the author of the “No Budget, No Pay” legislation and I will always abide by it.


Like most of you, my parents worked a lifetime to earn their Medicare and Social Security. Some politicians seek to cut these programs. I will fight to protect and strengthen these programs for all of our seniors.

Hardworking Americans have worked hard to secure the benefits they need to retire, paying into the system for decades and playing by the rules. Senior citizens who receive their Social Security payments should not have their income reduced by double taxation. That’s why I strongly support the Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act to eliminate income taxes on Social Security benefits and boost the retirement income of millions of older Americans. In the same vein, I have cosponsored the Social Security Fairness Act to repeal the government pension offset and windfall elimination provisions, which hurts many retirees in public service professions.

I will always stand to protect the benefits our seniors are owed. Make no mistake, it’s your money, and I am absolutely committed to protecting the benefits you earned. Our seniors also deserve a fairer, enhanced COLA (CPI-E) so that benefits are not diminished by rising costs in goods and services that disproportionately affect seniors. Furthermore, we must also protect the medical expense tax deduction to allow individuals to deduct high out-of-pocket medical costs from their taxable income.


Every man, woman, and child should have affordable health insurance but skyrocketing costs are forcing thousands in Pennsylvania to be uninsured. This is unacceptable. In Congress, I’m fighting for a health care system that works for everyone and lowers the cost of prescription drugs.

In Congress, I’m fighting for a health care system that works for everyone, increases access and competition, and lowers the cost of prescription drugs. I voted for legislation to establish a fair price negotiation program, protect the Medicare program from excessive price increase and establish an out-of-pocket maximum for Medicare part D enrollees. And I will continue to protect Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

We need to proceed in fixing our healthcare system in a responsible, deliberate manner. That means any changes to our current system must ensure both the continuity of coverage and the continuity of patient protection provisions for those with preexisting conditions. Our system needs reform, and that is why I have supported tort reform to drive down the cost of health care, the repeal the bureaucratic Independent Payment Advisory Boards established by Obamacare, which threatened seniors and their hard-earned Medicare benefits, and the repeal of the medical device tax. We also need to lower the cost of prescription drugs, and I have introduced the bipartisan Increasing Access to Biosimilars Act to help reduce the cost of prescription drugs by encouraging competition and increasing access to biosimilars.

In terms of quicker access to cures, I authored Right to Try legislation, which gives those suffering from a terminal disease the chance to try potentially life-saving treatments and have voted for record NIH Funding for greater research into potential cures for life-threatening diseases. I also am fighting for cures for kids with cancer. My bipartisan Fairness to Kids with Cancer Act would boost the share of federal funds for cancer research that is allocated to pediatric cancer research to equal the percentage of the U.S. population that is under the age of 18.


The United States of America is a nation of the rule of law and a nation of compassion. We are a nation of good, generous, and loving human beings who hold a shared belief in both fairness and justice. When it comes to immigration, those qualities are rooted in two principles: 1) Sovereign nations have both the right and the obligation to defend their borders and enforce their laws; and 2) The human dignity and human rights of all undocumented immigrants, particularly children, must be respected and protected. As a community, I believe we must insist on achieving both.

Our current immigration system is completely broken. Millions of people are living in our country without the proper documentation. Surges of asylum seekers continue to overwhelm our law enforcement along the border. Our government agencies aren’t being given the resources they need to process those arriving at points of entry. No matter which angle you approach this problem from, we should all view this as unacceptable.

I’ve seen firsthand the threats our nation faces from a porous border and a broken immigration system: First as an FBI Agent working border security, and later as a member of Congress’ Homeland Security Committee. Congress must act now to secure our borders, respect the rule of law, and show compassion for those legitimately fleeing gang violence and drug cartels.

I have consistently supported policies that will bring our community together to keep Americans safe, stop the flow of illegal drugs, weapons, and people, and protect children brought here through no fault of their own.

I voted for and co-sponsored Kate’s Law, named for 32-year-old Kate Steinle, who was murdered by a five-time deported criminal illegal alien with seven prior felony convictions. This legislation increases penalties for criminal illegals who reenter the country following their removal from the U.S. and empowers our law enforcement agencies to keep violent gangs and criminal cartels out of our community. I’ve voted to strengthen laws to combat sanctuary cities that shield criminal illegals from federal immigration enforcement. I’m cosponsoring efforts to fix asylum loopholes which allow criminals to exploit our system.

I will always support our Customs and Border Protection officers. These brave men and women spend every day on the front lines, defending our borders from those who wish us harm. Congress must fully fund investments in technology, including drones and aerial surveillance, infrared technology, heat sensors, motion detectors, and an array of 21st century high-tech options that serve as force-multipliers along the border. And this includes physical barriers where law enforcement deem them necessary.

Moreover, we must treat people with fairness and decency. Young people brought to the United States through no fault of their own who wish to contribute to our economy and society should have an opportunity to do so. Any serious immigration package must include border security and protecting our Dreamers, who are serving our country in numerous ways. As Vice-Chair of the Bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, I will support policies that promote these core American principles. I voted for legislation which would keep families together, provide $25 billion in border security funding, and ensure law enforcement has the tools it needs to secure our border and process those arriving. I have also voted to protect our Dreamers.

As Americans, we have a clear choice to make. We must find the compromise that both secures our borders and protects our Dreamers. To support one without the other is to support neither. We must end the partisanship, come to the center to build consensus, and solve the problem. Our nation’s security, and our nation’s children, require this from all of us.


Across the country, drug overdose deaths have risen sharply and now surpass 67,000 a year, with each fatality representing a family crushed by the overwhelming loss of a loved one.

Solutions to this crisis are possible, but only if we are willing to work together. Constant engagement between federal, state, and local leaders partnering with law enforcement, health care professionals, and educators will set us on the path to free our community from the creeping rise of addiction and substance use disorders. As the author of the INTERDICT Act, which was signed into law by the President, I have brought both parties together to provide greater resources to law enforcement to stop the flow of deadly fentanyl from Mexico into communities across the country.

In Congress as Chair of the Bipartisan Opioid Task Force, I am committed to help Pennsylvania and local municipalities in their efforts to address this crisis and tackle this ongoing challenge head-on. I was proud to support the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment (SUPPORT) for Patients and Communities Act. This bipartisan bill will help in our overall efforts to combat the opioid crisis by advancing treatment and recovery initiatives, improving prevention, protecting our communities, and bolstering our efforts to fight deadly illicit synthetic drugs like fentanyl.

To tackle the addiction epidemic, we must also deal with mental health and ensure that those suffering from addiction and mental health issues get the care they need. I have led bipartisan efforts to remove barriers to substance use disorder treatment services under Medicaid. I also support the Parity Enforcement Act and Mental Health Compliance Act to strengthen enforcement of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act by requiring health plans and insurers to comply with federal parity requirements on providing equal coverage for mental and medical care. When approaching health policy, we must make sure that we give mental health the same attention that we devote to physical illness.


Apprenticeship programs grow our economy by fostering training programs that will prepare students and workers for in-demand careers. We need to focus on enhancing America’s workforce and bring good-paying jobs to Bucks and Montgomery Counties.

In Congress, I’m dedicated to growing our economy through workforce training and development. I have introduced the bipartisan Apprenticeship and Jobs Training Act that creates a $5,000 tax credit based upon wages paid by companies that hire individuals enrolled in a federal or state-registered apprenticeship program and the bipartisan Student Apprenticeship Act that would close the gap between higher education and labor by modernizing workforce training and catalyzing the growth of registered apprenticeships nationwide.

Apprenticeships and workforce development programs also offer career opportunities for students and young people. My bipartisan Youth Workforce Readiness Act would provide funding for hands-on skills education at after-school programs for students starting in elementary school. Supported by the YMCA and Boys & Girls Clubs of America, the Youth Workforce Readiness Act will ensure that students can experience technical education options at after-school programs starting at age six. Also, a traditional college education may not be the best option for every student. That is why I strongly support the 529 OPTIONS Act, which would allow tax-free distributions from section 529 college savings plans for certain expenses associated with registered apprenticeship programs. We must give our young people and their families the ability to invest in the educational pathway that is best suited for their desired career goals.


I am a strong advocate for equal rights. I supported the Paycheck Fairness Act to make sure that women are receiving equal pay for equal work as well as support the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. As a Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, I am leading the Keeping Girls in School Act which will support empowerment, economic security, and educational opportunities for adolescent girls around the world.

Recognizing the Achievements of Women in Our History

Only five percent of our approximately 2,400 national monuments honor women. We must do better to honor the achievements of women. That is why I co-led the Smithsonian Women’s History Museum Act to create a national museum dedicated to American women’s history. As the first museum in the United States dedicated to the full story of women’s history, this museum will tell the diverse story of the women who helped shape America. I also helped to introduce the Rose the Riveter Congressional Gold Medal Act to honor the trailblazing American women who stepped up during World War II. During World War II, women across the country – and across our district – left their homes for factory jobs in support of the war effort: Working as riveters, buckers, welders, and electricians. These ‘Rosie the Riveters’ embodied the ‘We can do it’ spirit forever connected with the famous poster.

Standing up for Victims

I co-led the long-term, bipartisan reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. The program has helped millions of women and their families by improving the criminal justice system response to domestic violence and ensuring survivors and their families have access to the services they need to safely rebuild their lives. I also supported the States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act that gives federal, state, and local prosecutors the tools they need to hold websites accountable for supporting the sale of sex trafficking victims. As the author of the bipartisan End Banking for Human Traffickers Act which, I will continue to bolster efforts to help law enforcement and financial institutions identify and report suspected human traffickers so that criminal syndicates can be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and be cut off from the global financial system.

Women’s Health

I will continue to raise awareness of faulty or harmful medical devices, and advance legislation that protects patients and puts their interests first. I have supported the Medical Device Guardians Act and Medical Device Safety Act to protect women and put their interests first. I have also been a strong proponent of increasing vital funding for medical research, have requested a doubling of funding for women’s health at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and supported a $2.6 billion increase in the NIH funding to invest in the cures of the future.


As an Eagle Scout and conservationist, who grew up in Bucks County I have always been captivated by the natural beauty of our open spaces and wild places. We have it all here: preserved farm land, amazing parks, expansive forests, historic rivers. With these features comes a special responsibility to care for and protect our natural resources at the local, state, and federal level. I believe our natural environment is worth protecting. That is why I opposed the proposed the Elcon facility in Falls Township, opposed the development of the Rockhill Quarry in East Rockhill Township, and have called for a ban on fracking in the Delaware River Basin.

Climate change and the irresponsible management of our resources put a strain on the health of our communities—and our children. Clean air and clean water are essential to the health, safety, and development of the next generation of Americans. That is why I have been fighting hard for these priorities during my time in Congress. Whether fighting for my constituents’ right to clean drinking water as the Co-Chair of the Bipartisan PFAS Taskforce or speaking out on the necessity to protect our public lands and fully fund LWCF permanently through the passage of the Great American Outdoors Act, I have been a staunch defender of our environment.

From Day 1, I have been focused on clean water given the PFOS/PFOA contamination issues in our district. Every person in our community has the right to safe, clean drinking water, and I will continue fighting. I am a strong supporter of the PFAS Action Act and establishing strong standards for regulating PFAS, holding polluters accountable, and ensuring that all Americans have access to safe drinking water.

Congress can and must do more to combat climate change and rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. We don’t need to choose between clean energy and economic growth, or between combating climate change and creating jobs. We can and should do both. That is why I authored the MARKET CHOICE Act. This legislation seeks to combat climate change through the elimination of the gas tax, and the implementation of a fee on carbon emissions, the revenue from which would provide funding for infrastructure development and enhancement.


It’s crucial we stand up for animals—both as individuals and as a society. As a member of the Congressional Animal Protection Caucus, I am committed to ensuring our government is doing its part to promote animal welfare, such as when Congress finally made animal cruelty a federal crime by passing the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act. I am proud of my “100+” on my score from the Humane Society Legislative Fund and look forward to continuing my work with animal advocates on ways to protect our best friends.

That means strengthening important safeguards under the Animal Welfare Act and bolstering enforcement against bad actors. My bipartisan WOOF Act! that would prohibit USDA from issuing licenses to breeders whose previous licenses have been revoked or suspended or to their immediate family members at the same address, and my Puppy Protection Act would significantly upgrade USDA’s care standards for puppies.


The quintessential adjective used around the world to describe what it means to be an American is the word, ‘free.’ Freedom means freedom for everybody. Our country and our community is also made stronger by our diversity, citizens of different backgrounds coming together to make our country stronger and even better.

LGBTQ Americans are part of the fabric of our society and should be free to exercise the rights guaranteed to every American by the Constitution to participate fully in our society and pursue every opportunity. That is why I co-led and voted for the Equality Act, which would protect Americans from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

In Congress, I have fought to make sure every American is treated equally and that their civil rights are protected. In that spirit, I voted for the Voting Rights Advancement Act to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act so that pre-clearance covers states and localities with a recent pattern of discrimination and that the right to vote is guaranteed for every American.

I also have supported measures like the Allied Health Workforce Diversity Act and Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act to make sure that underrepresented communities have a fair shot of achieving their own American Dream.

Hate and intolerance have no home in our community. I have supported bipartisan legislative efforts, like the National Opposition to Hate, Assault, and Threats to Equality (NO HATE) Act, to strengthen federal laws against hate speech, threats, and attacks, and improve reporting and expand assistance and resources for victims of hate crimes. We must do whatever we can to close gaps in existing hate crime reporting and strengthen the national response to these despicable crimes.


Education is a right, not a privilege, and in Congress, I promise to continue to be an advocate for our children, fighting for access, resources, and funding. It is also imperative we take care of those who are shaping and molding the minds of our future generations. In Congress, I’m dedicated to promoting education while reducing the cost and fighting for our teachers. That is why I have supported legislation to require full funding of part A of title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and am leading the effort for full funding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

We need to revolutionize American education and job training so that we are preparing students for a 21st-century job market. That means, among other things, reducing barriers to educational opportunities and post-graduation success For too many, student loan debt is a crippling burden that impacts their involvement in our economy and achieving personal goals like owning a home, starting a family and supporting their community.

I have introduced bipartisan legislation to address this crisis. The Student Loan Refinancing and Recalculation Act would allow students to refinance their student loan interest rates, lower future student loan interest rates, eliminate origination fees on student loans, delay student loan interest rate accrual for low-income and middle-class borrowers while they are pursuing their education, and allow for borrowers in medical or dental residencies to defer payments until the completion of their program. I also support the College Transparency Act, which will provide information for students and families as they consider higher education opportunities. Families should be able to access data tied to key metrics such as enrollment, completion, and post-college success across colleges and majors so that each student can make a more informed choice about their education.


As a former FBI Special Agent and Federal Prosecutor, I am committed to standing up for the brave men and women who have dedicated their lives to keep our communities safe.

Protecting our veterans and law enforcement should always be a bipartisan issue, and I am dedicated to working across the aisle to find solutions to the problems they are facing. We can achieve sensible police reform while simultaneously supporting our heroes serving us in law enforcement. I introduced the Defund Cities that Defund Our Police Act to make sure that our hero police officers are well-funded, not defunded. If a city chooses to defund their police, they will be choosing to defund themselves of federal assistance. I stand with our hero men and women who have dedicated their lives to keep our communities safe.

I also authored the Children of Fallen Heroes Scholarship Act to provide a boost of education aid for the children of fallen law enforcement and first responders who have died in the line of duty. This bipartisan measure has been signed into law. This legislation eliminates the expected family contribution used to determine Pell Grant eligibility for children of first responders who have died in the line of duty, providing eligible students the ability to receive up to the maximum Pell award each year.

In Congress, I have supported numerous bipartisan measures focused on taking care of our veterans.

We must strengthen our veteran’s educational benefits, which is why I supported the bipartisan The Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017. Since 1944, the GI Bill has provided veterans the opportunity to invest in themselves and their futures through access to education benefits. My father attended college on the GI Bill following his service to our country – launching his life, and putting our family on the path to success. While the world has changed since 1944, the dedication and service of our men and women in uniform remains constant. These volunteer-warriors stand ready to defend our nation in theaters around the globe. This bipartisan bill improves and extends the benefits granted to veterans and their surviving dependents through the GI Bill – helping to ease the transition from active duty to civilian life by paving the way with new career opportunities and technical education.

I have also fought and will continue to fight to ensure that our veterans get the VA health benefits and support that they deserve. That is why I was proud to support the bipartisan Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019, which was signed into law by the President. This legislation will extend disability benefits covering medical conditions associated with Agent Orange exposure to those who served on ships within 12 nautical miles of the coastlines of Vietnam. Veterans who served in Vietnam between 1962 and 1975 are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange if diagnosed with a medical condition associated with the herbicide. This bill will expand coverage and ensures that every veteran exposed to herbicides like Agent Orange should receive the same presumptive benefits. This bill also will allow spouses of certain veterans whose death was caused by a service-connected disability access to pension benefits.

It is also imperative that our nation’s veterans receive access to the highest quality medical testing and treatment options, including mental health. We need to know if veterans in every community have the resources they need to live happy and healthy lives and are receiving the care they have earned. Currently, the VA’s Whole Health Program is vital to mental health efforts, yet these services are not available at every facility. My bipartisan, Whole Veteran Act, will require VA to provide Congress with an analysis of the accessibility and health outcomes of each of various services at VA medical facilities (including community-based outpatient clinics, vet centers, and community living centers). This will increase access to care and increase needed accountability to ensure critical Whole Health programs—including chiropractic services, whole health group services, and holistic treatment options—are available and accessible at every VA facility for every veteran.
