
Rural4G Assistance Programs in Illinois

How to get Rural4G Lifeline assistance program in Illinois

Rural4G is part of a Lifeline which is a federal program dedicated to making phone and internet service more affordable for low-income households. This benefit provides eligible consumers with a monthly discount of up to $9.25. Consumers living on Tribal lands are eligible for an enhanced discount of up to $34.25 per month.

USAC’s Lifeline Support Center helps you apply for the program, understand eligibility requirements, and keep your benefit current through an annual recertification process. Lifeline consumers must apply for Lifeline and then sign up with a participating phone or internet company, recertify annually, and keep their information up to date.

Phone or internet companies enroll you in the Lifeline program, manage your service, and answer questions about your service, phone or device, or bill.

Ways to Qualify for Rural4G Lifeline in Illinois

Based on Your Income

You can get Rural4G Lifeline if your income is 135% or less than the Federal Poverty Guidelines (see the table below). The guideline is based on your household size and state.

The table below reflects 135% of the 2024 Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Household Size48 Contiguous States, D.C., and TerritoriesAlaskaHawaii
For each additional person, add:$7,263$9,086$8,357

Eligibility Requirements for Rural4G Lifeline Services in Illinois

To qualify for a free government phone through Rural4G, you must meet specific eligibility criteria set by the Lifeline program. These criteria are designed to ensure that the benefits reach those who need them the most. Here are the primary ways to qualify:

Income-Based Eligibility

Your household income must be at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. The exact income limits vary depending on the number of people in your household and your state of residence. For example, in most states, the income limit for a one-person household is $20,331, while in California, it is $30,500.

Program-Based Eligibility

You can also qualify if you or someone in your household participates in one of the following government assistance programs:

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) / CalFresh
  • Medicaid / Medi-Cal
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA) or Section 8
  • Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC)
  • Qualifying Low Income

State-Specific Guidelines

Some states have different income guidelines and additional documentation requirements. It is essential to check the specific requirements for your state by visiting the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) website or the Rural4G website.

Additional Requirements

  • You must have a valid US address.
  • You must not already be receiving Lifeline benefits from another provider.
  • You must not be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return.

By meeting these eligibility criteria, you may qualify for Rural4G Lifeline services, including a free cell phone and monthly service.

Documentation Requirements for Application

To apply for a free government phone through Rural4G, you must provide specific documentation to verify your eligibility. Here are the essential documents you need:


  • Government Issued Photo ID: This can be a driver’s license, state ID, or tribal ID. The ID must be unexpired and clearly show your name and photograph.

Proof of Eligibility

Depending on whether you qualify based on income or participation in a government assistance program, you will need to provide one of the following:

Income-Based Eligibility

  • Income Proof: Documents such as last year’s federal or state tax return, current income statement from your employer, paycheck stubs, Veterans Administration statement of benefits, unemployment or workers’ compensation statement of benefits, or a retirement/pension statement of benefits. If providing paycheck stubs or similar documents, they must cover three consecutive months within the past twelve months.

Program-Based Eligibility

  • Program Participation Proof: Documents such as a current or prior year’s statement of benefits, a notice or letter of participation, or an official document demonstrating that you or a household member receives benefits from a qualifying assistance program. Examples include a SNAP benefits statement, Medicaid card, SSI award letter, or public housing assistance documentation.

Proof of Address in Illinois

  • Address Proof: Documents such as a utility bill, mortgage or lease statement, or any official document that shows your full name and the address matching your application. The document must be recently dated.

Additional Documents for Specific Situations

  • Social Security Number or Tribal ID: You may need to provide the last four digits of your Social Security number or a full Tribal ID number. Acceptable documents include a Social Security card, most recent W-2 or tax return, or government assistance program document.
  • Proof of Life Activity: In some cases, you may need to show proof of life activity within the last three months. This can be a current utility bill, income statement, or mortgage/lease statement.

Important Notes

  • All documents must be valid and unexpired.
  • Documents must be dated within the last 12 months or have a future expiration date.
  • Ensure that all required elements are visible within a single image if enrolling online.

By providing the necessary documentation, you can streamline your application process and ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements for Rural4G’s free government phone service.
