senator Judi Lanza

Representative Judi Lanza Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Judi Lanza, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

NameJudi Lanza
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Contact Representative Judi Lanza
Judi Lanza is a member of the Democratic Party and currently serves in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, representing Hillsborough 29. She assumed office on December 7, 2022, and her current term ends on December 4, 2024.

Representative Judi Lanza

Judi Lanza is a member of the Democratic Party and currently serves in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, representing Hillsborough 29. She assumed office on December 7, 2022, and her current term ends on December 4, 2024.

Judi Lanza was born and raised in Manchester, New Hampshire. She graduated from West High School and then pursued her passion for healthcare. She graduated from the Catholic Medical Center School of Nursing and later earned a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from the University of New Hampshire.

Judi Lanza has been married for 41 years to her husband Joe, and together they have raised three children: Joseph, Jennifer, and Jeffrey. She has been a registered nurse for the last 39 years and has spent 36 of those years as a labor and delivery nurse, working at both the Catholic Medical Center and Elliot Hospital.

In addition to her professional career, Judi Lanza has been actively involved in local government. She has volunteered many hours in various campaigns, including presidential, senate, and congressional campaigns. She has knocked on many doors and made numerous phone calls to support these campaigns.

Judi Lanza ran for election to the New Hampshire House of Representatives to represent Hillsborough 29 and won in the general election on November 8, 2022. As a State Representative, she looks forward to serving her constituents and the State of New Hampshire. She aims to be a voice for the residents of Goffstown and the State of New Hampshire.

In her role as a legislator, Judi Lanza has been assigned to the House Judiciary Committee for the 2023-2024 term. The committee considers all matters relating to the judicial system, right-to-know law, guardianships, life and death issues (such as abortion or assisted death), landlord/tenant rights, civil proceedings, tort law, forfeiture, immunity, and probate.

Judi Lanza’s dedication to her profession, her community, and her state is evident in her work as a nurse and a legislator. Her commitment to public service continues to make a positive impact on the lives of the people in her district and throughout New Hampshire.
