Secretary Of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough

Secretary Of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Secretary Of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

NameDenis McDonough
PositionSecretary Of Veterans Affairs
StateWhite House     
Entered OfficeJanuary 20, 2021
Office Room1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500
Phone number(202) 456-1111
emailEmail Form
Contact Secretary Of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough
Miguel Angel Cardona (born July 11, 1975) is an American educator and is currently serving as the 12th United States Secretary of Education under President Joe Biden since 2021.

Secretary Of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough

On This Page

Denis Richard McDonough’s career trajectory is a testament to his profound commitment to public service and his significant impact on American foreign and domestic policies. Born on December 2, 1969, in Stillwater, Minnesota, McDonough emerged from a large, devout Irish Catholic family, deeply rooted in values that would guide his career. His academic and athletic pursuits at Saint John’s University, where he played safety for the Johnnies football team under Hall of Fame coach John Gagliardi, laid the groundwork for his future endeavors in public service and policy.

Early Life and Academic Pursuits

McDonough’s early life in Minnesota and his time at Saint John’s University, graduating summa cum laude with a degree in history and Spanish, set a solid foundation for his career. His post-graduation travels and teaching stint in Belize reflect a commitment to understanding diverse cultures and global perspectives, themes that would prominently feature in his later work. McDonough’s pursuit of an MSFS degree at Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service further honed his skills and prepared him for a notable career in foreign affairs.

Career Beginnings and Political Ascent

McDonough’s career began on Capitol Hill, where he worked as an aide for the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs, focusing on Latin America. This role was a precursor to his tenure as a senior foreign policy advisor to notable senators, including Tom Daschle and Ken Salazar, and his involvement with the Center for American Progress. His expertise in foreign policy caught the attention of then-Senator Barack Obama, leading to his pivotal role in Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign as a senior foreign policy advisor.

Obama Administration

McDonough’s contributions during the Obama administration were significant and varied. His roles within the National Security Council and his pivotal position as Deputy National Security Advisor placed him at the heart of American foreign policy decision-making. Notably, McDonough was part of the critical team in the Situation Room during the Osama bin Laden raid, underscoring his importance in national security operations. His appointment as White House Chief of Staff in 2013 marked the culmination of his service in the Obama administration, where he played a crucial role in shaping domestic and foreign policy.

Transition to Private Sector and Academia

After his tenure in the Obama White House, McDonough transitioned to the Markle Foundation, where he focused on transforming the American labor market to better reflect the needs of the digital economy. His efforts to expand employment opportunities and job training for Americans underscored his ongoing commitment to public service, even outside of government. Additionally, McDonough’s roles as a professor at Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs and as a visiting senior fellow at Carnegie’s Technology and International Affairs Program allowed him to share his wealth of experience and knowledge with the next generation of leaders.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

In 2021, President Joe Biden nominated McDonough to lead the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, a role that he was confirmed to by a significant majority in the Senate. His appointment as VA Secretary, despite being the second non-veteran to hold this position, reflects Biden’s confidence in McDonough’s abilities to oversee and improve the complex and critically important VA system. His tenure has been marked by efforts to enhance services for veterans, addressing longstanding issues within the department, and ensuring that veterans receive the care and support they deserve.

Personal Life and Influence

McDonough’s personal life, marked by his marriage to Karin Hillstrom and their three children, reflects the grounding and perspective that have influenced his public service. His career, characterized by dedication to duty and a deep understanding of both foreign and domestic policies, underscores the significant impact he has had on American policy and governance.

Denis Richard McDonough’s story from Stillwater to Washington encapsulates the essence of American public service — a journey of dedication, policy impact, and commitment to the nation’s highest ideals. His work, particularly as Secretary of Veterans Affairs, continues to influence the lives of many Americans, especially those who have served the country with distinction.
