The iPad For Kids Program revolutionized and unlocked the communication barrier for children on the spectrum. The iPad gives a voice to the voiceless. The iPad apps for autism are easy-to-use, and allow for children to put words and symbols together and eventually create sentences using images. They are also extremely mobile. ASDF has donated iPads to individuals and special education classrooms to help nonverbal autistic children with communication and learning.

What Are Autism Grants for iPads? These grants help people with autism get iPads. The funding usually covers the iPad, essential accessories, and special apps for autistic individuals. Non-profit groups, foundations, and government agencies often provide these grants to ensure everyone has equal access to technology.

How iPads Help in Autism Therapy iPads are helpful in autism therapy for several reasons:

  • Visual Support: iPads can display schedules, timers, and prompts to help understand and manage daily tasks.
  • Special Apps: There are many apps designed to help with language, motor skills, social interaction, and cognitive development.
  • Ease of Use: The touch screen makes it easy for people with limited verbal or motor skills to use.
  • Therapy Tools: iPads are portable and user-friendly, making them useful for therapists and families.

Tips for Getting a Free or Low-Cost iPad

  1. Ask Your School or Insurance:

    • Schools may provide iPads if they are included in your child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).
    • Insurance companies might cover iPads under Durable Medical Equipment. You may need a Letter of Medical Necessity from your child’s doctor or therapist.
  2. Grants:

  3. Completing Your Grant Application:

    • Highlight specific apps and how they will help your child.
    • Provide supporting data.
    • Show the problem and how an iPad will solve it.
    • Proofread your application carefully.
  4. Charities:

    • Look into local groups like Lion’s Club, Rotary Club, Kiwanis, and church groups.
    • Service clubs or university organizations may also help.
  5. Fundraising:

    • Use websites like Fundrazr or social media to raise funds.
    • Organize community events like bake sales, craft sales, or entertainment events to collect donations.
    • Contact local news stations for coverage.
  6. Saving:

    • Save loose coins and put them in a jar.
    • Open a separate savings account and deposit a small amount regularly.
    • Ask for iTunes or Apple gift cards as gifts.
    • Use credit card rewards towards an iPad.
    • Cut out costly habits and save that money.

How to Apply for a Free iPad for an Autistic Child

  1. Research: Look for organizations like Autism Care Today or ASDF that offer these grants.
  2. Visit Websites: Check their websites or contact them to learn about application requirements and deadlines.
  3. Prepare Documents: You’ll need to provide information about your child’s diagnosis, therapy needs, and how an iPad will help. This may include medical records or recommendations.
  4. Submit Application: Follow the guidelines carefully and provide accurate information to improve your chances of getting a grant.

Eligibility for a Free iPad To be eligible for these grants, you typically need:

  • A diagnosis from a qualified medical professional.
  • Proof of financial need.

Documents Needed

  • Medical records
  • Proof of diagnosis
  • Income verification
  • A letter explaining how an iPad will benefit the child

Leading Autism Grant Programs

  • Autism Care Today: Offers grants for iPads to help children with autism progress through innovative therapies.
  • ASDF iPad for Kids Program: Provides iPads to children on the autism spectrum to improve communication, independence, and education.

Benefits of iPads for Autistic Children

  • Improved Communication: Interactive apps help improve language and communication skills.
  • Visual Support: iPads can show visual schedules and timers to help manage daily routines and reduce anxiety.
  • Learning Tools: Apps for language development, social skills, and more can be very helpful.


  1. What is an autism grant for iPads? It’s financial help for getting an iPad to support therapy and education for individuals with autism.
  2. How do iPads help? They offer visual aids, learning tools, communication apps, social skills programs, and sensory activities.
  3. Can I apply for multiple grants? Yes, applying to different programs can increase your chances of getting help.
  4. Can I reapply for an iPad grant? Some programs allow repeat applications, while others may limit how often you can apply.
  5. Can grant funds cover accessories? Usually, grant funds can be used for necessary accessories and protective cases.
  6. How much funding can I get? It varies by program; some cover the full cost, while others provide partial funding.
  7. Can grant money be used for other therapy-related purposes? These grants are usually for buying iPads and related apps only.
  8. Are there limits on how often I can get a grant? Check each program’s guidelines, as some limit repeat applications.
  9. What if my application is unsuccessful? Look into local community organizations or fundraising campaigns for help.